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Electronic Design Automation (EDA)

Electronic Design Automation (EDA) is an Industry that makes tools which helps in specification, design, verification, implementation and test of electronic systems.

Electronic design automation (EDA) is a category of software products/processes that help us to design electronic systems with the aid of computers. These tools are used to design processors circuit boards and various other types of complex electronics.

Electronic design automation is also known as electronic computer-aided design. Initially technicians used tools like photo plotter creating drawings of electronic components/Circuit Boards.

Earlier most of the tools were handcrafted. But things changed drastically in the year 1981 and there came the ERA of EDA.

Somewhere close to this period lot of big companies where internally following EDA structure. Buts it’s in the year 1981 that it was formalized by the industry and this became the industry Norm.

Many of the companies ventured into EDA business.

Significance of EDA for Electronics has continuously increased in the Semiconductor technology industry. Users who work in the Semiconductor fabrication facilities or fabs and design or service companies are the ones who use EDA software to analysis the design’s manufacturing readiness. FPGAs also use EDA tools for programming design functionality.

EDA has brought about a change in Electronics Components manufacturing, as the designs techniques are universal thus this elements errors and bugs in the design.

Digital flows available now days are extremely modular. The front end produces standardized design description that compile into invocations of “cells” disregards to the cell technology.

Logic or Electronic function is implemented by cells by using a particular Integrated Circuit(IC) Technology

Libraries of components are by and large provided by fabricators for their production processes along with simulation models that fit standard simulation tools.

Analog EDA tools are far less modular, since many more functions are required, they interact more strongly, and the components are (in general) less ideal.

As semiconductor technology is continuously scaling, Electronic Design Automation (EDA) has increased its importance enormously

Foundry operators are among those users, who operate the semiconductor fabrication facilities, or “fabs”, and design-service companies who use EDA software to evaluate an incoming design for manufacturing readiness and also EDA tools are used for programming design functionality into FPGAs.

Electronic Design Automation (EDA) has by and large impacted the industry by changing the way they thing:

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